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There's Something Really Special About GEF President, Julie Cagle 

Groton Education Foundation President, Julie Cagle, has a long history of dedication to Groton Public Schools.

Julie giving boat tours in the summer. 

Julie's Story

After Julie's father retired from the United States Navy, she grew up in Groton.The Groton Public School teachers must have prepared and inspired Julie because, after graduating from Fitch High School in 1972, she began a career in special education at Cutler Middle School. Thirty-six years later, still teaching in Groton, she retired from West Side Middle School.


But here’s why Julie’s so special: even in retirement, she’s continued her service and dedication to Groton.


She first became involved with the GEF in 2002 when she became a liaison between the GEF and Groton’s teachers.  She worked tirelessly to garner volunteers for the GEF Walk of Education, Eastern Point House Tours, and Groton’s Dancing with the Stars. These were all major fundraisers.


Julie became president of the Groton Education Foundation in 2006 and has been instrumental in its growth. Now, in addition to giving out $500 mini grants, the GEF has expanded their grant program to include annually handing out extended grants of up to $5,000 for programs of a larger scale.


Julie is also on the Thames River Heritage Park program committee. Watch for her this summer giving boat tours. It’s clear that the GEF, and all citizens of Groton, are lucky to have such a dedicated and service-driven woman on their side.

Julie is very special indeed. 

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Julie and her son (at least their heads) in the promo for Groton's Dancing with the Stars, 2013 - a fun and highly successful fundraising event for the GEF.  


We're always looking for new sponsors and volunteers. 

We'd love to hear from you. Get in touch via Facebook Messenger, email us at or drop us a line by mail.

Our address is:

Groton Education Foundation

P.O. Box 825

Groton, CT 06340

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